Saturday, December 9, 2017


People move into retirement communities for a variety of reasons. Their spouses pass away. They are lonely. Their children are concerned about their ability to make decisions. Houses are too big or too confusing to manage. There are many reasons.
Today's Retirement Communities offer many comforts and amenities, to those folks who no longer want to or who can no longer manage their former homes.
The best case, in point, may be my very good friend, John. John moved from a single family dwelling to our Senior Apartment Community several years ago. He was lonely and completely alone in his house. Several times, he has told me "I would be dead by now if I had stayed in my house".
He gives credit to his three children, who  cared enough about his welfare to encourage his move to our Retirement Community. They helped him sell his home, facilitated the downsizing and got him situated in his lovely, one-bedroom apartment.
And, wowzer......John has blossomed. He is first on the bus for every trip! I sign him up for all of our activities. Although, he tells me that he wants to "get out of Dodge" at every opportunity, he is also happy to return home to his apartment, when the outing is over. He is enjoying his life!
John attends all of the "in house" activities that he can. He is the first to sign up for every event that we host. And, when I see him, he always asks, playfully,...."are we still having fun?"
By God, we are!
God has blessed him. God has blessed me.
I love John.

Thank you Lord for my life. I am blessed.

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