Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Joy of Words

In my opinion, one of the small pleasures in life is rereading a book that you love. This morning, my time was spent rereading a novel that I have enjoyed several times. One of the reasons for enjoying a book, over and over, is that during each reread, something new always pops up.
During today's reread, I happened upon two words words that had gone unnoticed in my previous readings. The first word was "eclaircissement." My public school education (thank you, Mlle.Laney) told me that the word had something to do with the word "clear." By golly, it did. I looked it up and found that it means,"the clearing up of something that was vague." Eureka!
Therefore, I discerned an eclaircissement of the word "moiety", after I researched its meaning. Moiety means something divided into two parts. And, the parts do not necessarily need to be equal.
You're never too old to learn something new.

Thank you Lord, for giving us a brain with which to think. Reason is a wonderful thing. With reason we are able to discover the wonderful things You have given us. With reason we can appreciate all that life has to offer.

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