Monday, September 18, 2017


I've worn bifocals for years. Some people admit that they have had difficulty learning to adjust to them. Others opt for the the "lineless" type of lens, that makes a person wearing bifocals look like they have single vision glasses ( a younger look, of course). However, I have always preferred to wear my bifocal lenses with pride. Lines have never mattered to me.
But now, I can't see this computer screen. I find myself sending out emails with double letters and misspelled words! I think that I am beginning to look either demented, inebriated or maybe just crazy.
I see fine far away. I see fine close up. I just can't see the screen and what I type.
So, I guess I need tri-focals. Easy enough, except I have already seen the eye doctor, this year. I have to wait another six months to see him again. (Thank you Medicare!)
Voila! I have discovered "Readers" or "Cheaters", or what ever you want to call them. I can see much better now. For a mere, one dollar per pair, I have computer glasses. One pair at work and one pair at home. Yes, it is a bother to be constantly changing glasses. I can't walk or see clearly, once I look away from the screen in my new glasses, but at least I am cutting down on my written errors.
The Dollar Store has offered me a new lease on life.

Great and merciful Lord. Sometimes life is so simple. We try to make it so difficult. Show us how to enjoy life and put our efforts into what really matters.

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