Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Silver Linings

It is now the middle of the month of August. More often than not, mid-August means really hot, dry weather. Our lawns, here in the Heartland, normally start to become dry and brown, about this time of year. They go dormant and don't green up again until Spring.
However, this year we have had an abundance of rain. Sure, we have had 100 degree days, but along with those hot days, we have had rain.
Every lawn in still springtime lush, and the tomato vines have sprouted a plethora of red and yellow juicy balls. Hot weather and rain. It's been a spectacular summer.
And yet, I have still heard complaints about "all of this rain".
Longfellow said it best...."into each life a little rain must fall". And, a modern country-western singer joyfully sings "rain is a good thang". And, by golly it is.
Life would be pretty dull, without a little rain. A little sorrow makes us appreciate all of the many joys and blessings we have been given.

Great God. We thank You for our many blessings. We also give thanks, to You, for the sorrows and sadness. The bad times help us to grow as Christians, and make the good times even sweeter. We praise your Holy Name.

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