Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"When other friendships have been forgot........ours will still be hot!"

I want to write about friendship. I assume that everyone has friends, but I would like to hope that each and every one of my readers has a couple of life-long friends. Friends that you can call on the phone, after a couple of weeks or even a couple of months of not talking, and continue in conversation, like you had talked to them yesterday. Really special friends.
I thought for a while that only women had that kind of friendship. Men are, after all, solitary creatures. We have come to believe that they don't form lasting relationships. Then, I met Jack and Ray. These two guys became friends, many years ago, through their church connection. They both had successful careers, grew older, retired and then ended up in the same senior citizen community. Ray and Jack are old friends. Now, they visit almost every afternoon.
One of the joys of growing older is that we tend to remember the past.....not always the present, but we remember the past. Therefore, old friendships are important.
Jack and Ray can talk about the past and they understand the backgrounds of each other. Ray can appreciate the pride that Jack has in his two daughters. Jack can attentively listen to Ray's explanation of navigating by using a sextant. They are buddies from way back.
Judy and Leslie, and more recently (after only 40 or so years) Sue, you will always be my special friends. I love you and I need you. I treasure our lifelong connection. You are a part of who I am.

All knowing and most powerful God. Thank you for giving us friends to love and to treasure. Thank you for showing us how to share and grow. We praise your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Nancy K. said...

What a lucky friend they have in you, Dearheart. Your Buddy...and friend.

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