Monday, August 28, 2017

Joy to the World

Several months ago, I started a Happiness Diary. Each day, I write down three things which bring me joy. I can't remember who suggested that I do this, but whoever you are....thank you so much.
I journal and obviously, I Blog. But, those things require thought and remembering to use my best grammar skills. But, my Happiness Diary is often only three words or just the names of three people that make me joyful and happy. I just can't screw up the tenses in three words.
Today, before nine o'clock, I wrote down the first names of three folks, who made me laugh. It was Monday morning, and my smiles are sometime hard to come by on a Monday.  But, the three people that made me laugh, this morning, were a real joy!
To tell you the truth, later, I dealt with some folks today that did not make me laugh. They were crabby, complaining and totally unpleasant to be around.....BUT, because I had those three names of joy,  I stayed on an even keel, the whole day.
Every day that I write in my Happiness Journal is a good day. Sometimes, it is even a great day.
I am blessed.

Thank you Lord, for my Joys and Blessings. Allow me to show others, that through Your Grace and Goodness, all lives are better. Help me to ease the unhappiness of others and to calm their fears and worries. All these things, I ask in your name.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Heart and Sol

It rained in the Heartland today. Normally, that would have been just fine. However, today was "Total Solar Eclipse Day". It's been approximately 100 years since our area had the last one. And it will be about that long until the next one occurs.We have been planning for this day for several weeks. And, hundreds of thousands of people were expected to descend upon St. Joseph, Missouri, which was one of the larger towns in the path of the Total Eclipse. St. Joseph, just about 50 miles North of here, has been known, here to fore, as the starting point of the Pony Express, and the place where Jesse James was shot in the back, by a coward named Howard.
Last week, I sold Eclipse Glasses. One pair to a customer. As I neared the end of my stash, one lady came to buy a pair. She paid the required one dollar. "Where," she asked, "were we going to hold to hold the Eclipse Event." I hesitated and then said, "uhhh.....Outside." "Well, I don't want to go outside," she replied. I just smiled. My allotment of specs was sold out in two days. By Friday, they were are gone. Every place in town was also sold out.
When I arrived at my desk today, Monday, it was already crowded, with late-coming potential buyers. I had to turn the folks away. "What can we do?" they asked. I said, "Don't look at the Sun."
As eleven o'clock approached, the sky had already dumped a couple of inches of rain. One lady came to my desk to ask....will they still have the Eclipse if it rains? Uh....yes, I replied.
The skies became cloudless just long enough for the shadow to pass over the Sun, until only a small sliver remained. Then, unfortunately the sky clouded up and it poured down rain. We didn't actually get to see Totality.
One lady was extremely disappointed. The Sun was so small, she complained. "I expected it to get a lot larger." I tried to offer her hope, "Maybe next time."
The whole event came to a sputtering and soggy end, but the day was saved by a former colleague who called and asked .....How does the Man in the Moon cut his hair?????
How??? He clips it! (cymbal crash)

Precious Lord. Sometimes once is enough. Guide my feet Lord, while I run this race. I need your help and steadfast Love.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Just wait awhile.....

Several posts ago, I wrote about going natural with my beauty regime. I was starting to use apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, instead of buying specifically manufactured beauty products.
That particular post elicited a comment by my daughter. She wrote, "You're just like me."
Whaaaat!!!  How long have I been waiting to hear an admission like that, from any one of my four children? Let me tell you how long. About 5 decades!!!! And, this comment came from the youngster who didn't like anything I said, liked or did, from the time she was about 5, until way into her adulthood. When she graduated from high school and I realized I would never, ever have to shop for another prom dress (she had four younger brothers), I was truly elated. To say that our tastes have often been very dissimilar, is putting it mildly.
Now, I am going to cherish her comment. I am honored. I am sincere when I admit that I thought such a comment would never be made. I am so proud.
Being a parent is tough work. All of my children are excellent parents. Maybe their dad and I did something right after all.

Dear Lord, most of us try really hard to do the right thing. It's hard. Sometimes we make mistakes. We know that you forgive us. Sometimes it's harder for our fellow humans to be forgiving. Show us how to love each other unconditionally.
We honor your wisdom.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Silver Linings

It is now the middle of the month of August. More often than not, mid-August means really hot, dry weather. Our lawns, here in the Heartland, normally start to become dry and brown, about this time of year. They go dormant and don't green up again until Spring.
However, this year we have had an abundance of rain. Sure, we have had 100 degree days, but along with those hot days, we have had rain.
Every lawn in still springtime lush, and the tomato vines have sprouted a plethora of red and yellow juicy balls. Hot weather and rain. It's been a spectacular summer.
And yet, I have still heard complaints about "all of this rain".
Longfellow said it best...."into each life a little rain must fall". And, a modern country-western singer joyfully sings "rain is a good thang". And, by golly it is.
Life would be pretty dull, without a little rain. A little sorrow makes us appreciate all of the many joys and blessings we have been given.

Great God. We thank You for our many blessings. We also give thanks, to You, for the sorrows and sadness. The bad times help us to grow as Christians, and make the good times even sweeter. We praise your Holy Name.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...