Monday, August 28, 2017

Joy to the World

Several months ago, I started a Happiness Diary. Each day, I write down three things which bring me joy. I can't remember who suggested that I do this, but whoever you are....thank you so much.
I journal and obviously, I Blog. But, those things require thought and remembering to use my best grammar skills. But, my Happiness Diary is often only three words or just the names of three people that make me joyful and happy. I just can't screw up the tenses in three words.
Today, before nine o'clock, I wrote down the first names of three folks, who made me laugh. It was Monday morning, and my smiles are sometime hard to come by on a Monday.  But, the three people that made me laugh, this morning, were a real joy!
To tell you the truth, later, I dealt with some folks today that did not make me laugh. They were crabby, complaining and totally unpleasant to be around.....BUT, because I had those three names of joy,  I stayed on an even keel, the whole day.
Every day that I write in my Happiness Journal is a good day. Sometimes, it is even a great day.
I am blessed.

Thank you Lord, for my Joys and Blessings. Allow me to show others, that through Your Grace and Goodness, all lives are better. Help me to ease the unhappiness of others and to calm their fears and worries. All these things, I ask in your name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Great idea! Simple, but SUPER! Thanks.
Love you. YMOS

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