Saturday, February 25, 2017


I am SHORT in stature. I have always wanted to be taller. Maybe just a couple of inches. Maybe tall enough to eliminate my ever present and ever needed foot stool. Maybe tall enough to have made it to the second row of a group photo.
Sometimes, I am SHORT with people. Being calmer, quieter and more understanding, should be my goal. I am too impatient. Remembering that the first one to finish life, isn't necessarily the winner, should be upmost on my mind..
Life is short. We all have family members and friends that have left us too soon. There were so many things we could have said and done, and now the opportunity is gone. We must remember that we have not been promised a tomorrow. Say those important things, now. Today.
Sometimes, we feel we get the SHORT end of the stick. Life just isn't fair. When we're down and feeling really put upon, it always helps to count our blessings. Everyone has something to be happy about...something for which we should be thankful.
The word SHORT is longer than the word LONG.  Life is always a surprise.

Dear Lord. We are your blessed children. Short or tall, we have your undivided attention.  Give us patience and courage.

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