Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Your're never to old.

My ocean of knowledge, compared to a great many folks, is pretty shallow. I know a little about a whole lot of things. And, because of my addiction to talking, I will agreeably converse, with anyone, about anything.
Today, there I was, jabbering on about the subject of coinage. I know next to nothing about coins. For Pete's Sake, it's hard for me to make change! Anyway, in the process of describing a particular coin to a friend of mine, I told him that the front of the coin had the image of Caesar Augustus, and the back of the coin.......
He said, "OBVERSE. The front of the coin is the obverse and the back is the reverse. The side with the head, on any coin, is the obverse."
Obverse is a totally new word to me. Joy of Joys. It's a great day when you can learn something new. My puddle got a bit deeper.

Dear Lord, Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. A discovery. A new word. A new friend. They are all blessings, given to us from You. Teach us how to look for them. Show us how to treasure them. Remind us to be thankful for them.

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