Monday, April 25, 2016

"Come and get it, "afor I stick my foot in it." *

I don't remember my mother cooking a "new" meal, at anytime during my childhood. By that I mean, that I can only remember eating "left-overs". 
Now, I'm not saying that the meals during my growing up years were bad, I'm just saying we always ate left-overs. You only have to look at pictures of my sister and me, from ages 3-16, to observe that we were not starving to death.
But, some weeks we had left-over roast and potatoes on Monday. Tuesday we would have roast and potato stew. Wednesday, roast and veggie casserole and Thursday, Dorothy Soup. Then, we would have some kind of fried fish and left-over veggies on Friday. On Saturday, the left-overs from Friday. Sunday, we would start all over again.
Only on this week, it would start with left-over Chop Suey.... left-over from Grandma's Sunday meal, Chop Suey with extra rice on Monday, with canned crispy noodles on Tuesday, Dorothy's Chinese goulash on Wednesday, Chinese Soup on Thursday, etc.
The next week it would be chicken....all week.
On and on. Week after week. Year after year.
I am not complaining, only stating what I remember as fact. To this day, I admire my mother's creativity and thriftiness. She fed us and we ate well. Although, come to think of it we had no choice and it didn't occur to us to question the menu!

* Pat Butrum, Roy and Dale's Cook.

Good and kind God: We are thankful for many things. Good memories are a special blessing. Life is a journey to be taken by everyone of us. Help us to pack lightly and travel well. Show us how to enjoy both the bumps in the road and the smooth pavement. We glorify your name.

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