Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Well, by gosh and by golly. It's Advent.
Are you celebrating?
Are you asking, what the heck is Advent?
Well, Advent means coming. ......You say, amidst your decorating, partying, cleaning and buying, what's coming?
DUH.......the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. Christmas!
I had a "holiday" party last night. The girls from work came over and we ate, we laughed, we gave gifts and we had an all around wonderful time. Who knew 12 ladies could have so much fun?????
Thank you Jesus. Because of you, your birth, your teaching and your death, we had a marvelous time.
You came to us as a child and you taught us humility. Because of you, we have learned how to treat others with respect and love. You taught us to reach out and honor one another. You taught us each and every one of us that it isn't all about ourselves, it's all about how we treat others and what we do for others. You have taught us Love. You have taught us that good memories live in our hearts, forever.

Good and great God. Thank you for so many things. We are all so blessed. We honor you and we welcome you into our lives.
Grant us peace and grant us joy.
We ask these things in your name. Amen.

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