Monday, November 2, 2015

Measure twice...cut once!

My "Grammy Award Winner Husband" has joined a new church choir. He is enjoying the group, and although the church is not a denomination that we are very familiar with, we are comfortable with the service and the people in attendance. The choir members have been welcoming to my husband, and he is enjoying singing with the group.
The director of the choir is an excellent communicator, and she often sends out emails to inform the choir members about last minute details and directions for their upcoming Sunday morning musical offerings.
This past Sunday, as Scott was headed out our front door to church, he decided to check his email for any messages.
Dressed and ready to depart, he opened his emails and was informed that it was All Saints Sunday. He was also directed, he read, to wear White Socks.
Well, it was way too late to change his footwear. If he made this last minute change he would be
late for the Sunday Service. So, he left for the church, wearing his usual black socks.
All the way to the church, he worried about being "out of uniform". He reasoned that his robe was pretty long, so that perhaps his black socks wouldn't be noticed by the congregation. He also wondered about the unfamiliar and peculiar Presbyterian Liturgical custom of White Socks.
Upon arriving at the church, he observed that the choir members were all attired in robes and White Stoles...not White Socks.
A definite case of Mistaken Item...nity.
Good Lord: When are we going to get it right? We have great directions from you, through the Holy Scriptures. We keep trying and we hope that it is enough.
Our mistakes are many, but our love for you is great.

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