Friday, October 30, 2015


The end of October is nearly here, and as usual, I find I have eaten the last of the mini candy bars that I had purchased early for Halloween. Now, it's time to reflect on the upcoming holiday. Tomorrow, I will go and buy some more candy.
Soon, my "trick or treat aged' grandchildren will appear at local doorsteps as Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), a mermaid,  (there is a slit in the tail, thank the Lord, so that her own little legs can carry her from door to door), a superhero, and a superhero's sidekick. All great costumes, but I ask myself, "What happened to the costumes favored in my youth?"
Well, now they would all be considered "Politically incorrect".
Can you imagine a youngster of today clad as an Indian? (Excuse idigenous American.)
Or how about a Cowboy? (No firearms please.) A Cowgirl? (That's too sexist.)
A Bum or maybe you called it a  Hobo costume? (It's so wrong to make fun of the homeless.)
Peter Pan? (Was he transgender?)
A Ghost, which was my mother's personal favorite and the easiest for her to make? (No, too tame. Today we have zombies and the walking dead.)
I could go on and on.
Times change and so do our holidays.

Dear Lord. We are making you laugh. I know we are. Your children are a funny bunch.
Help us to see our silliness and show us how to care for our fellow world citizens.
We ask so many things in your name. Amen.

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