Sunday, July 27, 2014

Enough is enough

I don't know about you, but I always have trouble packing for a trip. I have a hard time including, in my suitcase, just what I will need while I am gone from home. I'm not a good packer.
It just isn't a matter of packing the right outfits. It's putting all the right accessories in the bag, too. You know...the shoes, the earrings, the purses, etc., that will complement the dress or shirt and slacks, etc., that I want to wear, while on my trip.
When I reach my destination, I always find that I have forgotten to pack something that I need. I packed my blue dress, but not the silver necklace that I wanted to wear with it. I packed the black slacks, but forgot the top that goes with them. Or, those perfect sandals that I bought, just for this trip....they are still in the box at the bottom of my closet.
In spite of this inability to get my packing act together, I have never had to go naked, while on a trip. Or, for that matter, had to skip an activity, due to my lack of accessories.
All of this leads me to the question......How much do we really need to carry on our lives?
The fact is, we are all collectors, buyers, consumers and users. We all have too much stuff.
Living simple, whether packing for a trip or living every day life, has got to be the best way to live our lives.

Dear God: Help me to simplify my life. Show me how to let go of all the little meaningless extras that basically just cause me a lot of stress. Help me to stop worrying about the little things. Make my life's focus to be doing right and helping others. Guide my feet, while I run this race.

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