Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A little help from my friends.....

Let's get real here. I work full time.....forty hours or more each week. I get home around 4:45 p.m. each weekday evening, dog-tired and worn slick. But, like most women, from my generation, I expect and plan to cook a nice meal for my spouse.
I am blessed. Sometimes, my spouse offers to take us out to eat. Other times, he has even cooked the evening meal himself. He is thoughtful and kind, but most times it is up to me. I don't mind. I've been cooking dinner for 40 some years.
It's part of my routine.
But, because I have been doing it for such a long time, I want to share with you one of the secrets to my domestic success.
I always wear an apron.
Aprons are great. Especially the ones that cover up all of your front area. At my age, I have a lot of front area.
When I cook, I get dirty. Greasy. Wet. Gooey. Cooking is a messy job. And, aprons are a great defense against getting your nice work clothes (sometimes, I am too tired to change, before I start dinner) and even your favorite grubbies (othertimes, I opt to change into lounge wear) really messed up.
I have collected a great many aprons, over the 48 years of my housewif-ed-ness. I wear them all. Aprons are like a costume. When I put one on, I become another person. Aprons are a type of superwoman's cape. I become confident, in my role as cook. I am controller of the kitchen, queen of the counter and I can withstand any mess that comes my way.
Viva La Apron!

Great and Loving God. You are our Apron of life. You can shield us from anything that comes our way. You are our protector and provider. Our job is to let You protect us. You are our fortress.
Precious Lord, take our hand and lead us to every lasting life.

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