Saturday, June 7, 2014

....Good and Faithful Servant.

During a recent workday, I had the opportunity to observe a young woman, as she attempted to do a rather tedious cleaning task. I had been asked to observe the worker, not to actually help with the work. (This was a good job for me. Because, as you might guess, I am much better at observing, than I am at actually working.)
The young woman worked up quite a sweat, as she attempted to get the job done. However, it soon became obvious that she lacked the correct tools. So, after she had made several stabs at the project, I explained to her that she needed to stop and go find the proper items to get the job done correctly.
She left and returned an hour or so later with the right tools, and she got right to work.
Voila! Success. Smiles. A job well done and appreciated.

All powerful God; How often do You wonder why we can't get it all right? Are You ever just disgusted with us when we mess up our lives?
You are amazingly patient and unconditional in Your love and forgiveness of Your children.
It is so simple when we use the tools You have given us.
Keep us strong in our Faith. Show us how to love. Keep us ever hopeful.

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