Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ditto, I guess!

Have you ever purchased one item and then as time went on, wished that you had purchased more of the same thing? I have and I suspect that you have experienced this very same buyer's remorse, at one time or another.
Take this story for example. It's about my favorite night gown. It's a Vanity Fair night gown. Vanity Fair has been making the same type night gown for years. Maybe you have one. Maybe your great grandma had one. But, the wise among you know exactly the type of night gown I am talking about.
I love my Vanity Fair night gown. It's a perfect fit, it feels great and I love sleeping in it. And, believe it or not, it's 20 years old. Really. One of the great things about Vanity Fair night gowns is ....they never wear out.
In the past twenty years, I have purchased numerous night gowns, but none of those have lasted over a couple of years. My Vanity Fair gown is tried and true. It's my go-to night gown.
(I would like to tell you about my Vanity Fair underpants, they don't wear out either,  butt...pun intended.... :), that's another story!)
So, recently I set about trying to find another Vanity Fair night gown, just like my old faithful favorite.
After several unsuccessful retail forays, I located a local store that sells Vanity Fair Lingerie and PTL, they had "the" same ageless night gown.
I didn't just buy just one night gown, I bought three of the same style, same size, but in different colors, and proceeded to the check-out.
"Now", I told the clerk, "I am set. I will never have to buy another night gown for the rest of my life."
She gave me a puzzled look....then, I smiled a wise and all-knowing smile.

Good God: Sometimes things just seem perfect. Life is beautiful and everything is coming up roses.
I know that You yearn for us to appreciate the Great Times. Why else would we have the bad times?
You are our strength and comfort in time of need. Help us to remember where and from whom the Great Times come. We are your servants.

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