Saturday, October 19, 2013

Deja Vu, sort of.

The bad news is, my car got towed this week. I parked in a no-parking zone, but I didn't know it. The no-parking sign was installed backwards, so when I pulled into the spot (the same one where I had been parking for a couple of months, where there was no sign), I couldn't see the lettering. Not seeing the sign, whichever way it was facing, is apparently not a valid excuse. Installing a sign, facing the wrong way is not a crime. It's just stupid.
Reason, it seems, in so many aspects of our daily lives, has disappeared.
The good news is, the car was not stolen or wrecked. Just removed, very expensively, to a tow-lot. You may remember the account of my last automobile loss. A couple of years ago, my former car was a victim of a hit-and-run. I called it the "Automobile Murder on St. John Avenue".
I don't have very good luck with cars.

Kind and all-knowing Lord: Teach me to focus on all of the positive things happening in my life. I know that my blessings are many. Help me to always be aware of the wonderful people and events that come into my life. Bad stuff should be the little stuff. Each new event is a learning experience. I am blessed beyond belief.

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