Sunday, February 24, 2013

"When I was younger, so much younger than today."

It was a terrific "learning experience". On Thursday morning, the snow began to fall. By 4 p.m. on Thursday, we had a total of between 10 and 12 inches. The drifts, caused by the powerful winds, had accumulated to up to 14 or 15 inches, in some spots.
Friday morning dawned cold, clear and sunny. It was time to shovel the driveway. I am the designated shoveler at our house, and from years of experience, I know that in order to move really deep snow, it must be removed in layers. First you skim off a couple of inches and then you dig up the rest on the second or maybe third shovel full.
After about 15 minutes, I only had three to four square feet cleared. At this rate, it appeared, that I would finish by Sunday morning...maybe.
Then a young man drove up and offered to clear our driveway, with his SNOW BLOWER....for a price. I immediately said YES. Twenty miunutes later, our massive expanse of pavement was clear and he had his check.
The lesson is, I cannot do everything by myself. Clearing the driveway was way too big a task for me to accomplish alone. I needed help. I needed to accept help. And fortunately, help came my way.
God is always there, ready to help us along our life journey. All we need to do is ask and accept. We are not on this path alone.
More snow is expected on Monday.

Dear Lord: We open our hearts and minds to you. Guide us and allow us to accept your help. We are in need, always. We thank you for the gentle and the not so gentle reminders that you are in charge.

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But, what if we need it?

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