Sunday, February 17, 2013


This morning I had the opportunity to attend two Sunday morning services at two different churches. Now, that's not terribly unusual. I imagine that many folks do that kind of thing. Preachers with more than one congregation or folks who are asked to be a guest speaker at a church, other than their own, are often called to attend several services in one day. And, maybe even some families do it. First the family goes to one church, then they hop in the car and travel someplace to attend another.

Anyway, it's a bit unusual for me. I've done it, but I've never experienced what I did this morning. In the course of a couple of hours, I witnessed two of the most diverse worship services this little old church lady has ever encountered.

At 8:00, I was formally attired in my choir robe, complete with the appropriately colored liturgical stole, ready to sing all of the formal hymns, responses and group prayers a Lutheran Church can offer. It was a really nice service. The preacher was spot-on as he combined personal stories with the scripture message of the Good Samaritan. Formal communion, at the rail, completed the worship service.

At 10:30, I attended an extremely informal Praise Worship at a United Methodist Church. The preacher wore sneakers. The Praise Band, which consisted of a drummer and a couple of guitars, accompanied the congregation in several songs.
Scripture for this service was the temptation of Jesus. By blending what it means to be a child of God, with the experience of Jesus, as the actual son of God, the message was very meaningful. Communion was by Intinction (some have called it Drive-By), but it was very worshipful.

So, what did I learn? What did I gain from this double-whammy of contradictory worship practices?
God does work on us in mysterious ways! His message is meant for all of us. He's going to get to us one way or the other. Only God's way is the right matter how it is delivered.

Dear God. We're different. You know it. Thank you for being the very thing that we all need. You are all things to your children.  

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But, what if we need it?

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