Wednesday, August 1, 2012

...gone tomorrow...

While coming home from a trip last week, we drove through what used to be a thriving little burg on the border between Oklahoma and Kansas. According to the census figures, in 1920, nearly 10,000 people lived in Picher, Oklahoma. In 2000, there were 621 housholds and 1,640 residents.  In 2010, there were just 20 folks living there. Now, there isn't a soul in sight.
Picher was once the center of a large scale zinc and lead mining industry. Ore was mined and huge piles of "chat" or tailings were piled near the mines. Chat, by the way, paved many of the streets and driveways, in the ajacent four-state area.
Today, Picher is the site of one of the most toxic areas in the world. Our government bought out all of the businesses and homeowners. There is virtually nothing left, in the 2.2 square mile area, but chain-link fences, piles of rock, and driveways to nowhere.

Creator of the Universe: We are a greedy bunch of folks. In our haste to get what we want, we have hurt ourselves, others and the precious earth that you have graciously given us.
Lord, make us better stewards of your planet. Help us to be thankful for what we have and give us the widsom to plan for future generations.

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