Monday, July 30, 2012

Imelda Marcos and Me

I went on the Internet a couple of months ago, looking for a nice pair of comfortable sandals. My goal was to see what I could find that was fashionable and check a few prices, etc. I was, sort of, window shopping. Shopping, in person, takes time, and using the Internet seemed smart.
Not! I made a big mistake. My inbox is now consistently filled with SHOE ADS. Sometimes, I get on line and I'll find 10-12 ads for shoes in my email inbox. I bought the new sandals, weeks ago, here in the city!
"Scooter" and Viagra ads, used to annoy me, but I never, ever had dozens of those at one time.
What do you do when things like this happen? Grin and bear it, I guess. And, learn a lesson. Don't window shop on the Internet.

Dear Lord: Why are we always looking for the easy short cut? How long will it take us to learn that the best way is often the longest and the hardest?
Guide us on the right path, all-knowing Father. Grant us patience to get it right the first time. We thank you for your steadfast love.

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