Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Techno Folly

I observed a confict today that took 13 emails, over a period of four hours, to resolve. It was a simple issue of conflicting dates and personnel. I wasn't directly involved, but I was copied on all of the transactions. As I went about my work, I kept checking my inbox regularly to see when and if the dispute would be resolved.
With each continuing message, the original issue became muddier and muddier, until, quite frankly, I had pretty much forgotten what the problem had been in the first place. It occurred to me, long before the trail of messages had come to a resolution, that a short phone call could have solved the whole thing in a few minutes.
Technology is a great thing, but I fear that we are losing our sense of perspective and along with that, the ability to think reasonably. We've let our fingers do the walking, when what we need to do is a little more talking.

Most holy and knowledgable God, keep those life lessons coming. There is so much I want to learn. Help me to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to the pure and right things. Thank you for allowing me to have the opportunity to listen and learn....from others.

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