Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What are you, anyway?

I recently came across John Wesley's writings on "What are the distinguishing marks of the people called Methodists?" Wesley goes on to list some of the things that make Methodists. One is that Methodists "ARE HAPPY PEOPLE". Oh my goodness. Did John Wesley ever sit in on a Staff-Parish Meeting or a Stewardship Campaign Meeting? How about a budget meeting? Those in attendance are usually some unhappy folks, for sure.
So, what are the distinguishing marks of your faith? How can people tell that you are what you say you are? If you are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or a male Jew, you would be labeled by your outward appearance. But, Christians don't have a distinguishing outward mark or costume. Do you remember that song..."They will know we are Christians, by our love, by our love."?
Well, I'm going to start smiling more. Wesley says that, "Methodists are happy in God. Perfect love has cast out fear and brings joy." Maybe folks will know that I am a United Methodist by my mark.....er, grin!

Lord, I have nothing to be unhappy about. I am so blessed. I'm clothed. I am not hungry. I have a roof over my head. I'm healthy. Good Golly, I should be happy.
Help me to remember my blessings. Show me how to love more and whine less. Let the light of the Holy Spirit shine through me.

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