Thursday, January 28, 2010

"If I could save time in a bottle"

It's Thursday! Do you know where my week went? I sure don't. It's been one of those weeks when Monday was only a couple of hours ago and now it's already Thursday.
I think all of us have periods like that when time passes so quickly. Our infant grandbaby is almost 6 weeks old. My own children are all adults. I'm an old lady!It's 2010, for Pete's Sake. When did that happen?
God must really get a laugh when He hears us say that we don't have time to accomplish what we want to do. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We have all the time that there is! It's how we choose to use that time that should concerned us. Most of us just don't use our time wisely.
Here's another thought. Life is not a race. The one who gets to the end the fastest doesn't win.He just dies quicker.
Lord, let me enjoy some quality time with you and with others. Life is so short.Help me to live it right. Amen.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Yellow Brick Road

It's finally done. I clicked the button! Yes, my first article is on the way to the Midwest Voices Column in the Kansas City Star. After careful consideration, I have written about "Kids Today". You all know that I have been a Substitute Teacher for many years.
It's important to write about what you actually know about. That's kind of a "no-brainer". But, I was so stressed about my topic that I nearly came unglued. the first two articles of the series were written about Health Care Issues and our Military Presence in Foreign Countries. Really heady stuff. So, no wonder I was freaked out.
Thankfully, I came to my senses. Well, actually Scott, daughter Amy, friend Yvette and my P.E.O. sisters calmed me down and reminded me that "Kids" are what I know. Write about what you know, woman, they told me! The article will appear next Saturday, January 23rd. Let me know what you think, or better yet, comment on the Star's Midwest Voices Blog.
And speaking of "what I know", I know that God is present in our lives and that we are His children. Trusting God to lead us down the right path, will surely be our salvation.

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Lead me Lord..."

Thank you. Thank you very much. I have a new job.The Kansas City Star Editorial Staff has chosen me as one of the 2010 Midwest Voices Contributors. It seems that they actually believed the hype, in my application, about my ability to opine on anything and everything.
Normally, and this will come as no surprise to my friends and followers, I can expound on any topic. Not that it always make sense. Ranting and raving are special characteristics of mine. And, you all know that I am quite a character. But, your bloggette is experiencing a teeny bit of writer's block, regarding this new assignment.
The creative juices are still flowing, mind you. Because on Saturday, my friend, Sue, called to congratulate me, A.K.A. EHN (Earnest Hemmingway of the Northland), about my new role. She happened to mention that I was scheduled to do tomorrow's P.E.O. program. Yikes! Thirty women waiting to be entertained! Well,it only took me about an hour to come up with a slightly amusing essay to read to them. After all, these ladies have all been couped up for a couple of weeks, and it will be their first time out to socialize. Bless their hearts, they'll laugh at anything.
So, back to my writing assignment. What do I have to say that will hold the interest of Star readers? I am going to do some praying about this one, folks. God got me here and I believe that He will lead me in the right direction.
This morning Scott announced that God will help us find a new church home. We know He will lead us. And, I know that he will lead me to find the right words for my story.
Ladies and gentlemen, Nancy has left the building.

Monday, January 4, 2010

"It's a long way to ........."

Well, I'm blogging about another church visit this morning. Yesterday, we attended Country Club UMC. Their service was the most "traditional" that we have attended, on this journey of locating a new church. We felt very much at home. However, they have a scheduled visit this coming Spring from the Farr Faction, so who knows what they will have in store for worshipers after that. I've said several times before, put me and Bob Farr in a room together, and watch the sparks fly. We are a couple of fireballs for the Lord!
Country Club was also the friendliest congregation we have ever met.(Farr, please don't mess with that.) Though the group was sparse on Sunday, they were warm and welcoming to a couple of strangers from the far North.
Try to keep toasty,everyone. From all predictions, we haven't seen the worst of this yet. Our furnance pooped out, yet again,on Saturday. PTL for the furnace company for sending their man out right away. PTL for modern furnaces! PTL in all things.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...