Thursday, January 28, 2010

"If I could save time in a bottle"

It's Thursday! Do you know where my week went? I sure don't. It's been one of those weeks when Monday was only a couple of hours ago and now it's already Thursday.
I think all of us have periods like that when time passes so quickly. Our infant grandbaby is almost 6 weeks old. My own children are all adults. I'm an old lady!It's 2010, for Pete's Sake. When did that happen?
God must really get a laugh when He hears us say that we don't have time to accomplish what we want to do. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We have all the time that there is! It's how we choose to use that time that should concerned us. Most of us just don't use our time wisely.
Here's another thought. Life is not a race. The one who gets to the end the fastest doesn't win.He just dies quicker.
Lord, let me enjoy some quality time with you and with others. Life is so short.Help me to live it right. Amen.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Great advice! I think I'll take it.

Older than Dirt

 Obsolete. More and more, my life is becoming obsolete. Because of my advancing age, things that I like to do and words that I choose, make ...