Monday, January 11, 2010

"Lead me Lord..."

Thank you. Thank you very much. I have a new job.The Kansas City Star Editorial Staff has chosen me as one of the 2010 Midwest Voices Contributors. It seems that they actually believed the hype, in my application, about my ability to opine on anything and everything.
Normally, and this will come as no surprise to my friends and followers, I can expound on any topic. Not that it always make sense. Ranting and raving are special characteristics of mine. And, you all know that I am quite a character. But, your bloggette is experiencing a teeny bit of writer's block, regarding this new assignment.
The creative juices are still flowing, mind you. Because on Saturday, my friend, Sue, called to congratulate me, A.K.A. EHN (Earnest Hemmingway of the Northland), about my new role. She happened to mention that I was scheduled to do tomorrow's P.E.O. program. Yikes! Thirty women waiting to be entertained! Well,it only took me about an hour to come up with a slightly amusing essay to read to them. After all, these ladies have all been couped up for a couple of weeks, and it will be their first time out to socialize. Bless their hearts, they'll laugh at anything.
So, back to my writing assignment. What do I have to say that will hold the interest of Star readers? I am going to do some praying about this one, folks. God got me here and I believe that He will lead me in the right direction.
This morning Scott announced that God will help us find a new church home. We know He will lead us. And, I know that he will lead me to find the right words for my story.
Ladies and gentlemen, Nancy has left the building.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Congrats on your new role at the star!

Older than Dirt

 Obsolete. More and more, my life is becoming obsolete. Because of my advancing age, things that I like to do and words that I choose, make ...