Sunday, September 28, 2008

5th Annual Meeting

I think everyone in attendance would agree that it was a glorious day. The weather was perfect for travel to our gathering this weekend. The event started off with 39 women visiting the campus of Ozark Methodist Manner in Marionville. They are doing such wonderful work there with Seniors.
We visited the main building and were treated to cookies and punch by the Marionville Unit of UMW. Then we toured several apartments and free standing cottages. Even the Marionville white squirrels appeared on command.

Our meeting on Saturday began with music, worship and greetings from the Ozark North Superintendent. The women of Schweitzer UMC really went overboard with their RADICAL HOSPITALITY. Many thanks to Lynette, Connie, and Janet for working overtime to make Saturday a special event.

We accomplished all of our Official Business on Saturday morning, including making a Pledge to Women's Division of $420,000. We are honored as a Conference to make the largest pledge to Mission in our Jurisdiction. Last year we topped our goal! And, speaking of goals, Kay Dodd, of Canton, sold nearly $1,000 in Ribbon Corsages. What a woman! And, what wonderful support by the women of Missouri, to our Mission effort.

Ms Tracy Milsap gave us our Keynote Address on Saturday afternoon. She is a noted speaker and animated storyteller from St. James UMC in KCMO. Tray's inspirational message really highlighted our theme, "Called By Name".

We all sang the hymn "We Are Called" as our closing. The words of that song are so meaningful to our organization. We are truly called as Christians to "seek justice, love one another and walk humbly with God."

As we travel around the state, trying to hold our meetings in various settings, it is such a blessing to see and hear of all of the terrific mission projects of United Methodist Women. Next year we'll meet in Poplar Bluff.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...