Thursday, November 7, 2024

Love Always Wins

First of all, let me affirm that I am an American. I voted. I believe all people have value and that my beliefs are personal. 

For the last few months, I have read unpleasant comments and posts from many folks that I admire and love. The words these folks have written, have been extremely judgemental......mean and hurtful. From them, I've learned that half of the people in this country will "never again be respected". They've been called every vile name imaginable. The other half of the electorate, has been just as vocal, and their predictions have been dire.  Garbage has been thrown, by both sides.

Readers.....written words cannot be taken back. You just can't write something nasty and then say "I misspoke". Life doesn't work that way. Words hurt.

This election will have consequences. Let's hope for the best for our country! I'm concerned because I am now reading a lot of "na na na na nas------I'm going to be hoping for the worst!" Truthfully, that attitude is not going to help anyone in this country, or the world. It's time we all came together. Life is way too short, to harbor such a grudge.

I, for one, am going to try to forget what I have read, from both sides. We Baby Boomers have preached and preached about "no name calling", using your "positive words", and not be hateful. Just,"Let it Go", and try to become the best human beings we can be.


Dear Lord, we need You. You are the only One in charge and it's time we begin to realize it. You are our Constant. Guide us.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Beautifully said---Thank you!

But, what if we need it?

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