Monday, September 30, 2024

"Finding Nemo".......................................... and Harmony, too.

 So, I guess I am not through with the goldfish post, of last week. Previously, I wrote about the large aquarium, that stands in our basement. And, you might recall, it is of the salt water variety, with a number of fish and other things, living in it. We spend time watching them, every day. They are fascinating and quite calming to study.

But, were you aware that each of those little creatures actually has a distinct personality? If you have a dog, cat or multiple pets, you are aware that each one behaves in a particular manner. A couple of kids? Each one is unique. Correct? Well, fish have different personalities, too.

The clown fish (they are orange, black and white) are busy little things, that like to move around in pairs or groups.  Our large Marine Beta, hides during the daylight hours and prefers to swim about, in the dark. We have a Dragon Rasp that chugs about, flipping over tiny rocks and diving in and out of the live corals. About a hundred teeny, tiny starfish stick to the glass walls, and when disturbed, just float to another point, in the tank, and stick there. The bubble tipped anemone, seem to multiply overnight, waving at us continually.

Our Large Blue Tang darts around and swims about frantically and aimlessly, just like his look-a-like Dory, from the movie, "Finding Nemo". The large Zebra eel, just lazily moves around, but gets very aggressive, when he's hungry. He'll bite, so you can't use your fingers when you feed him.

A big red starfish is our newest creature. We have yet to find him in the same place, twice. But, we never see him move!

The point, that I want to make here, is these creatures look and act entirely different, from one another. Some of them swim in circles and others move up and down. Some, although they are alive, don't move at all. But, they all reside together, in the same tank.

What's wrong with the human race? We have the whole world, in which to live, and we just can't get along. Fish seem to have some traits, which we humans either don't have or maybe we don't develop them on purpose. Difference is okay. Let's all try to develop some patience, tolerance, and co-habitability. Can we listen to one another? Can we have different opinions? Can we all live in the same tank?


Dear Lord. Show us how to live intentionally. Help each and every one of us to strive to make the world a better place.

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"A was once an Apple Pie. Piedy, Widey, nice Insidy, Apple Pie."

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