Thursday, May 16, 2024

Choosing New Words

 I'm done complaining about being, talking and thinking old. I am what I am and it is what it is. I'm much happier when I am thinking, acting on and talking about new things.

New Words: Don't we all need to add a few new words to our vocabularies? Using the same words, again and again makes them over-said and over-written.  That's dull reading and listening.The last word I tried adding to my word bank, was "plethora". However, excess isn't my style, so I don't have or do, a whole lot of anything, on a daily basis. So, I although I am using the word plethora, on occasion, I'm not using it in a plethora of instances. It's just not fitting into my daily speech or writing.

So, my latest new word in "ethereal". I don't think it's too common. Actually, I had to figure out how to spell and pronounce it. It means, exceptionally beautiful. Because, I have a plethora a beautiful things going on in my life, right now, I figure I can use "ethereal" often. It will become a word in my vocabulary, in no time.

For instance, my newly planted flower and vegetable garden is "ethereal". The backyard pond and it's surroundings, are "ethereal" in Springtime. And, my latest crochet project was described as gorgeous. So isn't that interchangeable with "ethereal"?. There you go. Used my new vocabulary word thrice in the same paragraph.

Thrice is also an ethereal word! I'm on a roll.


Gracious God. Life is beautiful. Totally ethereal.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love the new Vocabulary Words, but, the new picture is the BEST!!!
Keep up the good work!

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