Sunday, April 28, 2024

"Whenever I walk in a London Street"

 Today I learned the real history of one of my favorite children's book characters. I am referring to the renowned "Winnie-the-Pooh". Now, many folks know that there was a real child, Christopher Robin, who was the son of author A.A. Milne. As a youngster, Christopher Robin, had a stuffed bear, which he named Edward. His father, told his young son stories about the bear. These stories eventually became a series of books and poems about the bear, his fiend Piglet, Owl, Eyeore (a donkey), Kanga and her baby Roo.

However, today I learned how Edward, became Pooh. Around 1914, Henry Colbourn, a Canadian Veterinarian, happened upon a bear cub that was being sold at the Ontario train station. He bought the bear to save it and ended up taking it with him to England, as he trained for World War I.  He named the female bear cub, Winnipeg (Winnie), who became quite a favorite with the Canadian soldiers. She loved being around people. When the soldiers eventually went to battle in France, Colbourn left Winnie, temporarily, at the London Zoo. Winnie was a great favorite with the Zoo goers, including young Christopher Robin and his father.

The little boy changed his toy's name to Winnie, and the stories and poems became famous books. Winnie did not return to Canada, after the war, she stayed at her forever home, the London Zoo.


  Holy Lord: Thank you for surprising us. Big blessings can come in small packages. Joys are abundant, if we take time to smell the HUNNY.

 *Google the words to my favorite A.A. Milne poem..."Lines and Squares"





Sunday, April 21, 2024

"Try it. You'll like it!"

 Many of us get stuck in doing everyday tasks, "I've always done it that way.". But, oh what improvements we can make when we try some different approaches!!!!

For example. I like my coffee with a bit of creamer. Forever, I have poured a cup of coffee, taken a spoon out of  the silverware drawer, stirred my creamer into the coffee, placed the spoon into the sink and then take a sip of my coffee. I mean, I have had this routine for 60 plus years. 

Now, thanks to a wise suggestion from #2 son, I now put the creamer in the cup first. Adding the coffee automatically stirs the coffee. Amazing. I have simplified my life. I save time and I have one less spoon, to wash, per day.

I have, just recently, tried a few new ways to fold things and I am really liking the change that it has made.  I roll my t-shirts. It's neater and I can see them all lined up, individually, in the drawer. Selection is so much easier than the way I used to fold them. 

My sock drawer was once just a pile of sock balls. You know one rolled into another, to match a pair. I tried another kind of fold and now my socks are in neat little squares and standing up in my drawer. I can easily see colors and patterns, so easily. It takes a bit more time to fold them that way, but saves time when trying to locate a specific pair. 

And, I have done a similar "fold redo" to the kitchen-towel drawer. Saves so much time when looking for a particular kind of towel.

Now, before you start thinking of me as Madame Efficiency, please note that I am as messy as the average old lady. I'm just really ready and willing to find ways to improve my life. Change is growth.


                                                    Good Lord. We are thankful.



Saturday, April 13, 2024

"What would you do if I sang out of tune?"

 I woke up this morning with a distinct and clear goal in mind. Today was the day to straighten up and  clean out a severely disorganized and messy kitchen pantry and spice cabinet. You know what I mean. Check the dates on the doubled up jars of spice and pitch out the expired ones. Consolidate packages of pasta and wipe up crumbs, etc. General clean-up duty. The job has been hanging over my head, as a must- get-it-done project for weeks. So, after perusing my email, Facebook and collecting my thoughts, I tackled the job.

But, first I asked Alexa to play me some 60s Rock. After all, who doesn't work best when listening to some Beatles' oldies or "Baby Love" by Dianna Ross???? Listening was good, but listening, singing and dancing is even better. When Aretha Franklin's "Respect" came on, I was singing right along with her and doing some great moves, as I danced from one countertop over to the other.  I finished the job singing along with the Beach Boys to "Surfin' U.S.A." (a Classic) and doing that overhand swimming move we all did, way back when. 

Job finished with a smile on my face. What a great feeling of accomplishment. 


Dear God. I am happy. I am blessed. With Your help and a "little help from my friends", I will keep movin' and groovin".

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"Caring, sharing.Every little thing that we are wearing."

Today, according to my trusty on-line calendar is "National Sibling Day". Hallmark strikes again! Like I need a specific date to celebrate my one-and-only, much-older sister! I think about her every day.

There are many reasons to celebrate siblings. If you are the eldest child in a family circle, you might reasonably think that your parents were so pleased with you and your personality, that they decided to have more children, just like you. And, if you are the second, third or another number in your family group of siblings, likewise you might think that your parents were so disappointed in your older sibling that they had to attempt to get a better, more perfect child! 

Whatever your believe, siblings are pretty special. You and your sibling(s) have a shared history. Most siblings share remembrances of parents, grandparents, houses, pets and schools. My sister and I, although, several years apart (did I mention that she is the older one?) remember joint walks to the public library, long summer car trips to visit our Illinois relatives, 4th of July Picnics at Schlanger Park, Picco and other activities. When we are together, we often reminisce about such events. 

But, mostly we just enjoy being with one another. I wish we lived closer together. Half a continent away, makes for infrequent in-person meetings. But, phone calls and emails keep us pretty close.

Treasure your siblings. They are not exactly you, but chances are they understand who you are and where you are coming from. Hold them close to your heart.


Lord, again we are thankful. Siblings are a gift, with which to share your life. We are blessed.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Genetically Modified........

And Proud of It. 

How many times have you quoted the lines, "Old Age isn't for sissies."? This particular quote is usually attributed to the movie actress, Bette Davis. You remember her. She's the one with the "Bette Davis Eyes".

Funny how that all ties together for me today. My day began with trip to a doctors' clinic, for the first of two routine cataract surgeries. Cataracts in aging eyes are a common problem for old people. Folks who make it to their 70's and 80's have this kind of surgery, all of the time. Bette Davis, for all I know, had cataract surgery in her golden years.

Thank God, Henry Ford perfected the Assembly Line, because my experience this morning was right out of a "Age of the Automobile Handbook". Sit down, sign a dozen forms, write a check (this kind of surgery is labeled "cosmetic", as if it's electable, that you need to see?????), lay down on one of a line of gurneys, listen to the instructions, swallow some anesthetic, listen to the same instructions repeated to the other folks on the other gurneys and then wait you turn for the 10 minute procedure. Assembly line medicine, at it's best!

My surgery went well. I was on the way home 10:30. Thanks to my excellent chauffeur, I arrived back at the house by noon. My excursion was immediately followed by a long nap. And, now I am feeling fit as a fiddle, except my new outlook is all blurry and my vision is a fuzzy mess. I know that this too shall pass, and soon my improved distance vision will be that of a 20 year old! 


All Powerful Lord. Thank You for Your many blessings. Science and technology, like all of our gifts, have been given to us to be used wisely. We bless Your Holy Name.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...