Monday, March 18, 2024

"Look it up."

 Intelligence could possibly be measured by how many times a day one refers to "GOOGLE". Years ago, the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and the World Book Encyclopedia, held all the general knowledge any one ever needed. Today, we have it all, at a simple click of a mouse!

Recently, the name Chouteau was dropped in a simple dining table discussion. I knew a tiny bit about Auguste Chouteau (his first name for instance) and the fact that he had been involved in the fur trading business along the Missouri River. But, my interested was piqued. 

Auguste Chouteau was born in 1749, in New Orleans. His mother, along with Pierre LaClede, moved the family up the Mississippi River. Chouteau and Laclede (Laclede County, Laclede's Landing,etc.) are considered the co-founders of St. Louis. Chouteau organized trade with the Osage Indians, along the Missouri and amassed great power and wealth within the region. After the Louisiana Territory was purchased by the US, he became one of the first Judges of the region. He died in 1829.

Lots of items, all over the state of Missouri are named for Chouteau....streets, schools, bridges, buildings, counties, clubs. Actually it's about the only French word, "Missourahns" pronounce correctly. Now thanks to a quick search on the Internet, you, informed reader, know all about him.

Here's a quote to think about......"there are two types of families. 1. Those who need a dictionary to get through dinner 2. Those who don't." Pausch

Never stop learning.


All Knowing and Powerful God. You have given us free will to knowledge and truth. Teach us to use it wisely, for the good of the all.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...