Thursday, March 14, 2024


 The last time that I had a rip-roaring, slug down both the DayQuil and NyQuil Cold Medicines, was way before the advent of COVID. I mean, weren't we all so worried about getting Covid, that we didn't worry about having a simple old cold?

Last week, when I began to feel a heaviness in my head, throat and chest, I was puzzled for a moment. What was happening to me? Within 24 hours, I developed a hacking cough, sore throat, headache and the normal surliness that goes along with the common cold. Now, almost a week later, I feel like I will recover sooner than later. Maybe a couple of more days and I'll be good as new.

 I don't know where I caught this bug, but my wise daughter is convinced that my cold was caused by stress. More likely, someone sneezed on me. Whatever the reason, as I stumbled through this thing, I  realized that help is there, friends and family, when you really need them. I was reminded that our lives are not meant to be perfect, we have to adapt to our situation and tomorrow is another day.

I would try to think of a few more appropriate adages, to close this post, but, I need to take my NyQuil and hit the sack.


GOOD LORD; Thank you for answering our prayers.

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