Friday, February 23, 2024


The Headline read "US Craft lands on the Moon" The photo, under it, looked like a pile of jumbled and twisted cords and rods.  My un-scientific mind told me, "WOW, that's someone's crochet project. Why is it on the Moon?" Duh. It took me a moment to realize that "craft" meant spacecraft!

But, oh my, the possibilities. Piles and piles of twisted and snarled yarn stash, dumped on the moon's surface. Every crochet addict has a "stash" of yarn. Lots of yarn. Skeins purchased and unused, as yet. Holiday colors for a toddler's hat and scarf (only, the toddler started high school last fall). Pounds of short scraps and tiny balls of leftover yarn, in numerous drawers, all over the house. Just imagine, a corner-to-corner Afghan draped over the remains of the lunar module. Or a colorful granny square blanket on the lunar surface, awaiting the arrival of the next generation of Neil Armstrongs!!!!It's a cozy and warm picture.

Then, there are the crochet hooks. I have dozens of those little rods. Teeny, tiny thin ones and big fat thumb-thick ones. I buy them, lose them in under chair cushions, and buy more. An assortment is essential for my many projects. 

Obviously I am an avid, long-time yarn-crafter, and I am, you may be thinking, in need of a bit of rest and relaxation. "Poor old lady. She's gone off the deep end."  But, crafting is one way I relax. Crocheting is best done while watching TV. I am able to crochet while riding in a car or traveling by plane. My stitches are mostly even, when I crochet in the dark. And, most important, it's really not possible to snack, while crocheting, because both of my hands are occupied!. 

If I were to travel to the Moon, I would be taking along my latest crochet project. I'd work on it while traveling through space, and perhaps have it completed and ready to use, by the time I arrived.  Actually, I think I will offer my services to the Space Corps or NASA, as a craft instructor for the astronauts!!!


Dear Lord, help us to focus on the joys of life. Troubles will always find us, but our blessings will always outnumber our sorrows. Be our guide and protector as we travel through this life.

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