Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Caroling, Caroling Through the Snow"

 "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year", or so the song goes. It's that time of year, when I expound on Christmas tunes. I've written before about my unmarketable talent for recalling song lyrics, and of course Christmas Song Lyrics are some of my favorites. I've gone on and on about how I dislike anyone singing any version of "O Holy Night" and that my favorite Christmas Song is "Here comes Santa Claus". Especially, when it's sung by one of my childhood heroes, Gene Autry, the Singing Cowboy. 

This year however, I'd like to focus on mis-quoted or humorous interpretations of these classic songs. The Internet is great for this kind of thing. Yesterday, someone sent me a photo of one lonely reindeer peering out over a fence, at hundreds of other frolicking reindeer. The caption read, "Proof that Rudolph was not allowed to join in any reindeer games." Then, I received another picture of a bowl of tater tots, each sporting neon green alien eyes. "Tiny tots with their eyes all a glow, will find it hard to EAT tonight." I laughed. 

Well really. Who can remember all of the 12 days of Christmas Gifts? And, just who would want to receive any of them, anyway? Birds are downright messy. I'd like a show of hands for every high school holiday band concert you've attended, where the cracking whip sound in "Sleigh Ride" was played on the right beat! Did Frosty really have a "broom stuck in his head"??

So folks, whether you sing "round yon Virgin" or "Round John Virgin", or belt out "Up on the housetop, reindeer PAWS or pause", just remember to have a very happy Christmas and a joyous holiday season.


Lord you are the reason for this season. Let us all be in the spirit of joyfully giving and graciously receiving. Remind us to sing a little.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Fa. la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

Love your post, as always!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...