Thursday, October 5, 2023

Punkin' Head

 September, went out like a hotcake and October, has come in about the same, but the calendar says Autumn is here. I've decked out my home in ceramic and crocheted pumpkins. I've probably got at least a half dozen food items in the cupboard, that include "pumpkin spice" in their labels. Fall has fallen upon my old ranch house!

So, imagine my glee when the computer offered me a DIY Video, on how to display a colorful live  chrysanthemum, potted in a live pumpkin. Easy Peasy, said I, after watching the video a couple of times. I can do this.  So, just as directed, I cut off the top of the pumpkin and removed the pumpkin "snot" and seeds. Next, I drilled holes in the shell for drainage. Then, I pulled the mum out of the plastic pot, that it came in. Carefully, I added soil to the empty, now holey, pumpkin. I filled that pumpkin shell and the empty pot, to the brim with potting soil. Finally, I removed the plastic pot and popped in the mum. Added some water and Presto. Beautiful!!!!!

Wellllllll. It took much longer than I expected. About an hour, not including a trip to the local plant emporium, to buy a potted plant and a similar sized pumpkin. My kitchen counter, sink and floor were dusted with black dirt. Dirt was everywhere! That had to be vacuumed and swept. Then, it took quite a bit of extra time to clean off my electric drill and bit. They'd gotten really messy. So messy, that my drill may never work again! The outside of the pumpkin, kept getting smeared with black soil. And, of course every time I added a bit of water to the pumpkin shell, mud ran down the shell, again. What a mess I made.

Finished, at last, I put the thing on a table, on my porch. It looks very nice. To quote Edgar Allen Poe ....."Nevermore."  This will be my one and only, not to be tried again, attempt at pumpkin/flower  art. 


Holy Lord. Help us to work on our common sense. Remind us that real life is not a Video. Always give us guidance. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

You ARE Brave! BTW MY crocheted pumpkins, by a multi-talented artist, look beautiful in my home.

But, what if we need it?

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