Saturday, September 9, 2023

Benedict, What's His Name?

I've got loyalties folks! Real loyalties. Some of them may not be terribly reasonable, but honestly, you can call me "loyal to the core"!

Sometimes in my volunteer position, I get paired with someone I haven't met before, and that happened just the other day. Within 5 minutes of making this gentleman's acquaintance, I belted out the Jayhawk fight song, complete with long and confusing mascot-listing introduction. The reason I did this??? Well, he said he lived in Lawrence, Kansas, home of the University of Kansas (my alma mater) and the fighting Jayhawks!!!. Obviously stunned at my performance, he added that he knew nothing about Lawrence, as they had just moved there, only six months ago. Oh, I replied, sheepishly keeping my mouth shut for the rest of our hour together. 

I'm loyal to Kansas City, too. Just mention that there's nothing to do in such a flat, dull, minor city, and I'll be all over you. "Everything's up to date in Kansas City" with our marvelous museums, jazz and Barbeque. I'll talk about the two states, our vast metro area, 12th Street and Vine and the fountains! It's hard to stop me, once I get started.

And, I'm loyal to my Southeast Kansas roots. I'll praise that place and its surrounding strip pits, until the day I die. I'll tell you about Lakeside Park, the Band Dome and dragging the gut. I can expound for hours, on my lifelong friends and what a fantastic childhood we all had. It's my hometown. I'm proud of it. 

Now, what's wrong with being loyal? Not a darn thing. A lot of great people have been called loyal. No one is ever praised or remembered, for being disloyal. 


Great Lord. You are ever present and ever loyal to Your children and Your creation. Our loyalty, to You, should be constant, in all of our endeavors.  Your steadfast love endures forever.

1 comment:

Karen said...

World's #1 Cheerleader!!! Way to go!!!

But, what if we need it?

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