Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Normal or Not. That is the question.

Here are some things that you may or may not need to know about me: 

#1. I have never leaked any Top Secret Government Documents. I've never been privy to a Top Secret Document. For that matter, no one has even told me any secrets, recently.

#2. I do not own, nor have I ever shot a gun. Handgun. rifle or UZI. And, I don't want to. I have shot a pellet pistol, a time or two, but have only hit something, once. The ground hog, that somehow stepped into the path of my speeding BB, afterwards, just shook his head and ran off, into the nearby bushes. 

#3. I am passionate about many things. However, I try very hard not to turn, my spur of the moment insights, into Internet rants. Even if I think that I know ALL the facts (which often turns out to be wishful thinking on my part), why should I feel the need to express my opinion, about things that I cannot folks who have already formed their own opinions! 

#4. I change my mind about things. People who believe and act in a predictable manner, are boring. They aren't thinkers. Who has time for that kind of mindset? 

#5. I have mellowed with age. Stuff that used to upset me, doesn't so much, anymore. Does everyone do that? I don't think so. There are a lot of opinionated and cranky old people, out there. Now, if I could only "mellow out" on my worry issues.

Confession is good for the soul. Honesty is the best policy. April showers bring May flowers. There you go.


All knowing God. Forgive us, for our transgressions. Help us to be less judging, of others. Keep us mindful of our words, which may harm the souls, of our fellow life-travelers. Show us how to be kind. 

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