Sunday, April 23, 2023

"Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack."

Just when you think the whole world has reached the pinnacle of rotten idiocy, something happens that helps to restore a bit of fresh and normal to the universe.

My son just called and related, to his children's grandma, that his family would be spending this coming Sunday, at the local Little League Baseball Complex. One of the grandboys has a tournament. Wow, I thought, that brings back memories. As the mother of three sons, I've spent more time than I care to think about, on my butt, seated on a bleacher bench.

It seems like only yesterday, that I loaded a cooler, full of Gator Aid and water, a couple of lawn chairs and/or stadium seats, into the trunk, and took off for a day or a weekend, at a distant soccer field or ball yard. In reality it was over 25 years ago. 

The experience brings back memories of little brothers and sisters, covered from head to toe in talcum powder-like dirt, playing "cars and trucks", under the bleachers, during the games of their brothers. Buying expensive snacks, from the stand, when I actually brought enough junk food, for the whole team, in my purse. Whipping out sunscreen, Neosporin, bug spray and Bandaids, from the same suitcase size handbag, to solve all the minor problems of anybody's family member, seated near me. 

I always thought, because there were so many things to attract my attention, away from the game, that I would be killed by a foul ball, striking me on the noggin. I could almost read the headline....., "Little League Mom Dies While Wiping Child's Nose".

Ah, those were the days! But, you know, I'm not eager to go back. I'm through with bleachers. I've been there, done that, and as the saying goes, "Got the Tee Shirt". Actually, I pitched all of those outgrown and stained tee shirts, years ago. Now, I wonder, how I can get rid of of the Letter Jackets, that are still taking up room, in my closets?


Dearest Lord: Memories are the spice of life. Thank you for being there for us, even when we weren't looking. You are our Rock and our Salvation.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Normal or Not. That is the question.

Here are some things that you may or may not need to know about me: 

#1. I have never leaked any Top Secret Government Documents. I've never been privy to a Top Secret Document. For that matter, no one has even told me any secrets, recently.

#2. I do not own, nor have I ever shot a gun. Handgun. rifle or UZI. And, I don't want to. I have shot a pellet pistol, a time or two, but have only hit something, once. The ground hog, that somehow stepped into the path of my speeding BB, afterwards, just shook his head and ran off, into the nearby bushes. 

#3. I am passionate about many things. However, I try very hard not to turn, my spur of the moment insights, into Internet rants. Even if I think that I know ALL the facts (which often turns out to be wishful thinking on my part), why should I feel the need to express my opinion, about things that I cannot folks who have already formed their own opinions! 

#4. I change my mind about things. People who believe and act in a predictable manner, are boring. They aren't thinkers. Who has time for that kind of mindset? 

#5. I have mellowed with age. Stuff that used to upset me, doesn't so much, anymore. Does everyone do that? I don't think so. There are a lot of opinionated and cranky old people, out there. Now, if I could only "mellow out" on my worry issues.

Confession is good for the soul. Honesty is the best policy. April showers bring May flowers. There you go.


All knowing God. Forgive us, for our transgressions. Help us to be less judging, of others. Keep us mindful of our words, which may harm the souls, of our fellow life-travelers. Show us how to be kind. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023


 I am very proud of the town and surrounding area, in which I was born and reared. My family life, friends and education were all about as great, as anyone could want. Lots of bicycle riding freedom, easy access to a wonderful public library and lots of time spent, just being a kid. But...., and you knew this was coming, this little Eden, had some real quirks, that I would like to share with you.

Have you ever seen anything that was "tumped over"? You know, like a trash can or an out-house or even a car, cow or trailer? "Tumped over", in my neighborhood meant upturned or perhaps over turned. Same thing!

What about "whole 'nother"?  As is, "this Artificial Intelligence idea, is a whole 'nother thing". Those two words, used together, was our way of saying the one word, "another". Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

Then take our word for what almost every one else in the country calls gravel. In my hometown, we call it "chat".  You know, little bitty crushed and broken rocks, used as paving material on our drive-ways and alleys.  

And then, there were those "alleys"! Due to the age of our little burg, garages were located, off the street and to the back of our houses. The driveways, emptied out, into alleys. Alleys, for my kids and other unknowledgeable younger folks, were one-lane, chat covered roads, that divided one half of a city block, from the other. Most of the time, they were laid out perpendicular to the paved streets. 

The trash trucks (early in my life, they were horse drawn carts) used the alleys to pick up trash, from the barrels set out, not on the street, but along the alleys. Alleys were great modes of  "kid transport" and travel. They were where we rode, constantly,  and they were short-cuts between friends' houses, cutting down on our travel time, which was a waste of our precious playtime. On the downside, the chat was a bit tricky to transverse, and most of my friends, to this day, can proudly point, to an imbedded piece of chat, in a knee or hand. There you go.

Good and gracious God. Thank you for giving us such wonderful memories, of long ago. Grant us the wisdom, to guide and protect our loved ones, as we were once protected. Keep us safe.

Saturday, April 1, 2023


I heard a quote the other day, that caused me to do some "in-depth" internet research. By "in-depth", I mean, I looked up a few words, then that connected me to something else, then something else, and eventually, I got to something about the Kardashians, so I stopped!!! That's about as deep as my research goes, these days.

The original quote was "Courage is fear ignored". That's good! Whilst doing this "fear" research, I discovered that the word "courage", is almost always linked to the word "fear".  However, in reading all of the many quotes, linking the two words, fear and courage are not actually opposites. Courage is also NOT the absence of fear. It seems that you must have fear or even anxiety, in order to exhibit or not exhibit courage.

Now, upon examining my personality, I realize that I have an appreciation (I would rather not say fear), of a  great many things. For instance, I do not like heights, nor deep, dark places. I'm 5 foot 2 inches, short. It's not like I have had a lot of experience with high places! So, I avoid them, whenever, I can. But, it's not fear that keeps me from climbing mountains or peering down into cavernous crevices. It's, in my opinion, common sense. If pressed, I believe I would have the courage to climb to a high place, or climb down into a cave. But seriously, I would just rather not attempt those things.

Here are two more "fear and courage" quotes, from which you might find inspiration or amusement.

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of  fear." Mark Twain.

"Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose." Bob Proctor

Good and all powerful God: Grant us wisdom. Grant us courage. "Fear not, for I am with you, always...." 


But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...