Monday, February 27, 2023

Rock a bye, Baby.....

I don't need to tell anyone over the age of 60, that sleep is a precious commodity. As most of us age, a good night's sleep, is often hard to come by. The ideal 8 hours of sleep per night, is (excuse the term) a pipe dream! The reality is more like 5 or 6 hours of sleep, per night. Actually, if I could manage to get 6 hours, of uninterrupted sleep, every night, I'd consider myself a lucky woman.

There doesn't seem to be any trick, I haven't tried. Melatonin, doesn't work. And, I've tried to drink a cup of hot tea before bed, to relax. That, just causes me to visit the bathroom, twice instead of my regular once. Climbing into bed, before or after 10 p.m., doesn't seem to matter. I still wake up around 4:30 a.m., or even earlier. And, once awake, I can't get back to sleep. 

So, this morning around 2:45 a.m., my sleepy-time was interrupted by a loud screeching and annoying buzz. My weather radio was going off. Severe storms were sighted in my area. Last year, about this time, I had begged my daughter to buy me an alerting radio. I needed it, I told her, to keep my "seriously hard of hearing" self, from being blown away, by a tornado. One appeared, via Amazon, right away.

Well, it's loud enough and it works. I got up and wandered around the dark house a bit. Then, I determined that severe storm prevention was not in my wheelhouse, grabbed a candle-lighter, for the candle near my bed, and tried to go back to sleep. Not possible.

It's going to be a long, long day.

Great God, we know that worry never achieves anything. It's useless and it isn't healthy. Remind us of the sparrow. You are our protector, at all times.

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