Wednesday, February 8, 2023

"Kodachrome gives us the nice, bright colors....."

As of today, I am halfway finished, sorting through my husband's collection, of photographic slides. For some reason, and I can't remember why, Scott insisted on taking slides, instead of photographs. His father did it, too, so maybe it was a hereditary thing. By halfway, I mean, I have looked at approximately 4,000 slides of our family, friends and the kid's sports teams. I've been huddled over a little, one by one, viewer for days, now. 

Before I started this process, I was tempted to just pile all 8,400 slides into a couple of giant trash bags, haul them to the curb on Tuesday morning, and call it a day. I told myself, no one had looked at these slides in, probably 30 years, and no one will, in the future! But, then I felt guilty and began to to tackle the chore.

The first slides were taken in 1965. Vacations, holidays (50 years of Christmas trees and kids opening packages), school programs, Halloween costumes, sports teams, and graduations. Scott took slides, all the time, until about 2010. Then, he switched to a digital camera.

My process, for dealing with these slides, is to view each one and put it back in the reel or toss it. Then when I finish, I will go back and cull some more of them. I have reduced this first 4,000, to three hundred, at this, the halfway mark.

I have come to the following conclusions: The photographer never takes his own picture, so I have very few slides of husband and father. All Christmas Trees, no matter what year, look pretty much the same. You can't distinguish one kid from another in a sports uniform, especially from the bleachers. Most scenery, although beautiful, isn't worth keeping, especially if there are four butts in front of the gorgeous view!!!!

Dear God. I know that I have to do, what I have to do. It's hard. Please, grant me the wisdom to make wise choices and live my life, in a way that honors You. 

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...