Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Just Take a Deep Breath

Yesterday, per my sensible son's request (because he didn't want me on a ladder, in a tree), I called my trusty, or so I thought, electric company, to ask for a "look-see" on some vines, growing on their wires. . The company representative said, no problem. Then, we started to have, what I would describe, as the interrogation of the century. Well, who was I? Well, the account isn't in your name. I'm sure, I told him that it was in my dead husband's name. Well, in order to check on the problem, we will have to put you in the computer as the Account Holder, he said. Okay, I replied, with all the charm I could muster.

My husband died in January, I told the pleasant young person. This January, he asked? Yes, I said, and several clicks later, he proceeded, without a word from me, to supply me with the death date, Scott's SS number, and his birthdate. Then, he asked for my SS number, which I gave him. Oh, he said, we can't get an Experion Number for you. Your account is blocked. What are you talking about, I asked? Well, in order to open a new account, I need a credit score. I told him that we don't use credit, haven't for years, so I don't think I have a credit score. 

Look, I said, we have been paying you monthly, for around 50 years. At least 40 of them from this address (where the vines are!!!). We are current on our Electric Bills, sir. Just change the name, I reiterated. Well, he couldn't do that without a Credit Score.

Are you going to turn off my electricity, I asked? No, he assured me. So, I told him, don't bother to change anything, I'll just continue to give your company (with the made-up imaginary name, of EVERGY) money, every month, until I die! 

So, I'm sitting here today with vines on the wires, to my house, and I do not know when, or if they are going to come and cut them down! And, now, I don't know how long I will have electricity!

I need a break!

Dear Lord, along with my many blessings, please remember to send along a little patience. I really do need help, in dealing with my fellow sojourners. I will be truly thankful.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Having fun, yet?

 I noticed a photo posted on Facebook, today. It showed a group of grade school students, walking around a line of chairs. Musical Chairs, course. The game was a staple of every elementary music class. I liked playing it, but I don't think I ever "won". And, I didn't like all the pushing and shoving, trying to get a chair.

Remember Dodge Ball? I was never very good at that particular game. Quickness was never my best skill. And, I don't care what you say, those big, red rubber balls hurt, when you got hit. And, whoever followed the rule of "below the belt"?

Spelling Bees. I was better at those. I could remain standing, at least longer than most of my classmates. But there always seemed to be one, three or four syllable killer, that put me on my butt.

Red Rover, Red Rover. My wrists were too weak and damaged, to successfully keep folks from "breaking in". I was the weak link, and it seemed like everyone knew it.

All of those games, are based on elimination. Were they good for us, or not? They certainly didn't do much, for the self esteem, of most of the kids who played them. For the survivors, those games were a lot of fun. Being the first one to sit down, wasn't fun at all.

Life often times seems like a kids' game. Have you thought about your journey, through life, being like one long game of Dodgeball? Life is hard and sometimes it hurts. But, you know, every once in a while and sometimes quite often, you get the word spelled correctly, you get the last chair, or you step out of the way, at just the right time. And, being strong enough to hold on to a loved one's hand, through a really tough time, is one of God's finest blessings.

Dear Lord, I'm ready. I am feeling like I can play all of the games, that come my way. With Your help, I can hang on.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

........Jiggetty Jig!

What a difference a week makes! I have just completed my first solo trip, in quite a few years. And, in spite of my travel trepidations, I turned into my driveway last night, a little tired, but so very happy.

My visit with my relatives was a great deal of fun. We were five female cousins, ages spanning a couple of decades, talking, laughing and having a great time. I think, that if a stranger would have walked into the gathering, she would have recognized that we were all related. We don't look alike (some of them have naturally curly hair!!!), but we all share the familial trait of speaking our minds and being frightfully honest. And, oh my golly, we are laughers!!!!!

We drove around my home town and located the homes of friends and family long gone. I noticed  changes in the burg, some good and some unfortunate. But, my cousins can tell you, that it is still a great place to live.

Then, of course, I got to visit with my childhood friends and their spouses. There is something, thoroughly basic, that happens to us, when we are able to be who we are, with people who have known us since grade school. After all, the guy who told me, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus", when I was seven, is still going to be as honest and truthful now, as he was nearly 70 years ago! And, if you rode in someone's first car. Well, how nostalgic and meaningful, is that? These folks have known me through decades of bad hairdos, for goodness sakes....and still like me! Shared memories are wonderful, nostalgic and healing.

Old friends and family are the best.  This trip was a blessing, to me. My first solo adventure was a success, and I am looking forward to many more.

Good and Gracious God: I know that You travel with me. Thank You, for my friends and family. Watch over them and be their protector...as You are mine.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...