Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Being an experienced senior citizen, I tend to watch a lot of "old folks" TV. My favorites include the Hallmark channels, some news/opinion shows and PBS. I call my preferences "old folks" TV, because almost all of the commercials are geared to my age group. (PBS theoretically has no commercials....only about 5 minutes at the end or beginning of the show, telling what companies are "bringing" the show to you. And, those aren't commercials? Go figure!)

Anyway, the commercials on the other channels are often for drugs. Now, I don't know about you, but I have always assumed that the my doctors know a lot more about medicine, than I will ever understand. I trust them. They went to Medical School. It wouldn't be my place, to suggest, that I be prescribed one of the medicines advertised on the latest Hallmark show. Not only would I not do such a thing, I couldn't. I'm at a loss to remember the names of these new wonder drugs, from commercial to commercial. The names of these new drugs make no sense and are unpronounceable. No lay person could repeat their names and benefits to their doctors. 

I love words and I am interested in their spellings, their definitions and their origins. So where are these drug peddlers coming up with these names? Even if I could remember Skirizi and Ubrelvy, there is no way to identify what they cure or what symptom they alleviate. 

Maybe someone out there could explain this new mystery to me? Should I be taking Apoquel or Tremfyant.

Precious Lord, we are blessed to be living in this enlightened era. Watch over us and guide us, as we negotiate what we do not understand. You are our constant and our hope.

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