Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a ..........."

 If you are reading this, you know that I enjoy writing. But, I am also a reader. Fiction is my favorite, but I also enjoy history and biographies. My last read was historical fiction. And, it was so interesting, I read it, cover to cover, in one delightful afternoon. (Yes, I am enjoying retirement.)

My current read, is an autobiography of an ordinary guy, a casual friend I have known for seven years. And, for an normally calm and personable fellow, I am finding his life story fascinating. Apparently, you can talk to someone. almost daily, and never really know what they have done, seen or believe. Who knew? 

So, this got me to thinking. Remember those "stories" we were required to write, every September, when we started a new year of school? The title was always, "What I Did Over Summer Vacation." Well, here's a thought. We should all write "What I Did In My Life" stories..........our autobiographies. 

All of us leave behind a paper trail of documents, census records, photographs and junk. And, your descendants can amass a ton of this stuff, and still know nothing about you. When most of us depart this world, we do not leave a true record of who we actually were. Writing your own story, would furnish , those who are interested, with a more accurate record of your life. Just give my idea a thought or two, then pick up a pencil or start typing.

I'll look forward to reading your story.

Good Lord. We are all on a journey and You are our Guide. Sometimes the travel is easy, but often we stumble. Our paths are varied and sometimes treacherous. You are our constant.
We praise your Holy Name.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

If Houses Could Talk

 We had quite a scare yesterday. Scott announced at breakfast that the fridge was squeaking. This might seem odd, but I took it in stride. You see, about a year ago, our kitchen stove began intermittently squeaking, upon reaching it's programmed temperature setting. At that time, we called our trusty appliance repair man, Steve. He came out and turned the stove on. Then, he took a seat and waited until it started squeaking. Right on cue, it started squeaking. Apparently, a squeaking stove is normal, because Steve saw no reason to make any repairs. He charged us for a house call and went on his way. BTW, the stove is still squeaking.

So now it appeared as if the refrigerator had the same malady, so we made an appointment with Steve. Early this morning we were awakened by a much louder squeak. I recognized that noise as a bad battery on one of our alarms. So, I pulled the ladder from the garage and yanked down the smoke alarm and the carbon monoxide alarm. Both are located in the hallway, and by the time I got the ladder set up, the two of them were squeaking. Mission accomplished. No more squeaking.

But, later, I continued to hear the squeak from the fridge. Or did I? On closer review, the squeak was coming from the pantry, next to the fridge. A spare alarm, purchased at the same time as the hall alarms, (Scott buys by the bulk) was being stored in that cabinet. I removed that battery. The problem will be solved, after a trip to the home supply store, to purchase batteries, later this morning.

However, Steve is still scheduled to make an appearance today, at our home. The dishwasher is growling!

Did God. We are blessed to have so many modern conveniences. And, we are blessed to know someone who can repair them. Remind us to be thankful.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Being an experienced senior citizen, I tend to watch a lot of "old folks" TV. My favorites include the Hallmark channels, some news/opinion shows and PBS. I call my preferences "old folks" TV, because almost all of the commercials are geared to my age group. (PBS theoretically has no commercials....only about 5 minutes at the end or beginning of the show, telling what companies are "bringing" the show to you. And, those aren't commercials? Go figure!)

Anyway, the commercials on the other channels are often for drugs. Now, I don't know about you, but I have always assumed that the my doctors know a lot more about medicine, than I will ever understand. I trust them. They went to Medical School. It wouldn't be my place, to suggest, that I be prescribed one of the medicines advertised on the latest Hallmark show. Not only would I not do such a thing, I couldn't. I'm at a loss to remember the names of these new wonder drugs, from commercial to commercial. The names of these new drugs make no sense and are unpronounceable. No lay person could repeat their names and benefits to their doctors. 

I love words and I am interested in their spellings, their definitions and their origins. So where are these drug peddlers coming up with these names? Even if I could remember Skirizi and Ubrelvy, there is no way to identify what they cure or what symptom they alleviate. 

Maybe someone out there could explain this new mystery to me? Should I be taking Apoquel or Tremfyant.

Precious Lord, we are blessed to be living in this enlightened era. Watch over us and guide us, as we negotiate what we do not understand. You are our constant and our hope.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...