Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Before settling down every night, I am reminded of those TV commercials which inform us that some of the items, we purchase, may be "genetically modified".  Supposedly, that's not a good thing. But, in truth, most of us, now that we have reached a certain age, are ourselves "genetically modified". I know that I am.

It's impossible for me to sleep, while wearing my hearing aids. Strange high pitched wails are heard, if they are in my ears, when I lie down. So minutes before I hit the bed, I carefully remove them. Then, just before my head hits the pillow, I have to remove my tri-focal eyeglasses. I usually take them off, after I turn out the last light. If I did it any sooner, I might not be able to find the on/off switch on the bedside lamp! 

Science has contributed a couple more items that make my life more livable, but I won't mention them here. Let's just agree that none of us are exactly the same as we were 30 years ago. We've all had a little help.

Dear God. Help us to be the best that we can be. Remind us that we are in Your hands.

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