Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Trees......But not Joyce Kilmer's variety.

 From what I hear, retirement often causes the "Genealogy" disease. And, the bug has hit me. Now that I am not rushing out of the house, before 8 a.m., every week-day morning, I finally have some time to do family history. 

I've been able, with the help of some great friends, to gather mostly all of the facts that I need, in order to organize the leaves, on several branches of my family tree.  I've found the US Census records, birth records, death records, and photos of most of the graves of my ancestors. almost all of the facts are available, free on the Internet. It's all there, but it takes hours, for amateurs like me, to uncover the data and put it together in a form that makes sense. 

Now, I want to organize my finds, and start writing my recollections of those relatives that have passed. I can remember 3 of my 4 grandparents, very vividly, and I want to get their stories and personalities recorded for my grandchildren, and other interested relatives.

I have not discovered any serial killers or millionaire, among my fore bearers, but I know that there are some exciting stories. I just need to find them. I'm excited about this new task. 

Dear Lord. You know all things. Show us how to be life-long learners. Teach us to appreciate who we are and to honor those who have come before us. Remind us to be aware of those who will follow us. We ask these things in Your Name.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Before settling down every night, I am reminded of those TV commercials which inform us that some of the items, we purchase, may be "genetically modified".  Supposedly, that's not a good thing. But, in truth, most of us, now that we have reached a certain age, are ourselves "genetically modified". I know that I am.

It's impossible for me to sleep, while wearing my hearing aids. Strange high pitched wails are heard, if they are in my ears, when I lie down. So minutes before I hit the bed, I carefully remove them. Then, just before my head hits the pillow, I have to remove my tri-focal eyeglasses. I usually take them off, after I turn out the last light. If I did it any sooner, I might not be able to find the on/off switch on the bedside lamp! 

Science has contributed a couple more items that make my life more livable, but I won't mention them here. Let's just agree that none of us are exactly the same as we were 30 years ago. We've all had a little help.

Dear God. Help us to be the best that we can be. Remind us that we are in Your hands.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Not So Gracefully...............

 Aging is not for the weak. That statement pretty much sums up my life at the present.  I guess that I have been losing strength for a couple of decades, now, but just recently my inability to open "stuff"  has hit me like a ton of bricks. 

Suddenly, bags of snacks are being sealed with atomic glue. Bottles, with plastic screw-off caps are impenetrable and, well, forget about zip open packages, that refuse to zip! I'm having to resort to pliers, scissors and a goofy looking jar-opener to prepare a simple meal.

Is it possible to blame this phenomena on improvement changes in packaging, or do I just accept the fact my my kitchen is starting to resemble a tool shed? I'm using scissors, these days, more than knives! One of my favorite "tools" has become a "razor blade infused" box opener. In the past week, I have used that thing on a ton of stuff, including, a container of double a batteries (sealed so securely, it couldn't be opened by TNT), a plastic encased package of toilet paper rolls (and the rolls were individually wrapped, to boot), and a cereal box liner. Who knew eating breakfast could be such a chore?

Be careful out there, seniors. The Virus is dangerous, but so is a box of saltine crackers

Dear Lord. It's a lack of patience again. Show us how to accept our challenges and give you thanks for our many blessings.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Enough is enough......

 Living in the Midwest, I am certainly accustomed to cold weather. However, it is now the middle of February and I am way "over" Winter. Deep in my heart, I am hoping that like so much of the other media news, Punxsutawny Phil's prognostication will turn out to be "fake news".  Six more weeks of this weather is going to be a drag. 

I'm sick of snow. Sick of shoveling it, sick of driving in it, sick of being careful not to slip and fall in it and totally sick of cleaning up the mess, when it is tracked into the house. I am tired of keeping the blinds and curtains closed, piling on extra blankets at night, and wearing extra clothes all day long. I want to go to bed, without wearing socks!

Snow is beautiful. It makes everything look clean and neat. It covers up the piles of dead leaves and dormant brown grass. I loved playing in the snow, as a kid, but when the temperature is hovering at zero, it's way too cold for kids to be outside. Enough is enough.

I have faith that Spring will come. I'm just very impatient. But, just like everything else I have to wait for, I want Spring, and I want it now. 

Dear Lord. Help me to practice patience. I know it is a virtue. Waiting is so hard. Help me to remember that life is a journey, not just a destination. Teach me to live in the moment.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Need a job?????

 Do you notice "word trends"? That's my label for words that seem to suddenly appear, out of nowhere, in our written and verbal language. And, in a few weeks or months, these words suddenly become part of our vocabularies. They show up, everywhere.

Take the word TEAM. That word has always been used, in regards to sports teams. Locally that would be the Chiefs or the Royals. Those are teams, for sure. But, TEAM has a new meaning. It's the term used to describe the folks surrounding someone.

I don't have TEAM, but I would normally define my team as "family". Family, however, might be seen as too broad in today's language. I could use "squad", but politically speaking, that doesn't send out very good vibes. "Posse" is too violent, and "girlfriends" can't be used because it is too gender specific. "Spokesperson" used to be a widely used term, but then, spokespeople started mis-speaking and things started to get really messy. "Staff" might work, but that word implies employment of others, and since I am currently retired and on a limited budget, I'm in no position to hire anyone.

More and more celebrities are being served by a TEAM. Celebrities all have a TEAM. I need a TEAM. If what I read is true, I could use my TEAM to speak for me, explain my mistakes, and do my work. I would never have to leave my basement. What a deal!

Dear Lord. Sometimes we need to be reminded that, eventually, we will have to take ownership of our sins and errors. We are imperfect souls. We make mistakes. But, You are our constant reminder that no matter what.....You will be with us, forever.

Number 600

 This is my 600th post. My first post was in 2008, so if my math is right, I have been expounding on various subjects for thirteen years. Looking back, I remember the good and the bad. A couple of bouts with cancer, broken bones, milestones achieved, places traveled, grandchildren to watch and so many memories to cherish.

My one constant, without a doubt, has been that my Faith will see me through anything.

Dear Lord. Thank you for pushing me through life's trials and tribulations. My heart is in the right place, but as You know, my mouth, my hands, my feet and my mind often get me sidetracked. Thank You for always being there.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...