Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Behind the Grey Clouds

 Until today, I would be hard pressed to say that anything good has come from this awful Pandemic. And frankly, as I headed out this morning (of course, there was a bit of a snowfall last night, and the streets were still snow covered) to the dreaded Missouri Department of Transportation Office, to renew my car license plates, I was absolutely anticipating the worst. 

I was remembering that once, years ago, I had such difficulty registering a car, that even after three trips, to and from the office and nearly bursting into tears, I finally got the job done.  It's always a case of not having the right forms or money or other paperwork. The lines are horrific. Hours can be spent waiting until your number is called. The clerks are, to a person, nasty and unpleasant. And, the place is usually littered with used paper cups and whatever trash the clients leave behind....or thrown down in disgust! And, it smells!

I had been told, by a friend to make an appointment on line, and I made sure that I was there, not too early, but right on time. A nice young woman greeted me at the door. She politely asked me what I needed and I told her. She replied with, "I can help you right here." Four minutes later, I was headed out the door, with my new stickers. 

It was necessary for me to sit in my car, for a few minutes, while I processed the whole event. What a great experience. The Pandemic had forced an annually horrible ordeal, into a pleasurable chore. The new DVM was clean, organized, full of helpful clerks, and I wasn't in tears!

I just knew something good had to come out of all of the misery, of the past 9 months!.

God. We always try to thank you for our blessings. Sometimes we need to look for the silver linings. We need to appreciate that some good things can come from the bad. We are blessed in many ways.

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But, what if we need it?

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