Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Oh, Fudge!

Fact: I can't make fudge. Chocolate Fudge. Easy-Peasy Marshmallow Cream Fudge. Peanut Butter Fudge. You name it. Any kind of fudge. 

It's hereditary, or maybe I have a mental block. My mother couldn't make fudge. Let me rephrase that. She made a lot of what I believed, as a kid, was fudge. And, I was a grown woman before I realized that a pie tin full of chocolate goo, in the fridge, with a spoon stuck in it, wasn't really fudge.

She meant well, and she kept trying. I suspect, that like me, patience wasn't her strong suit. Runny fudge is caused from not boiling the liquid long enough, so that the chemical properties of the sugar change. But, she was an optimist. She believed to her dying day that, if you put the undercooked liquid into the  refrigerator, it would eventually "set up". It never did.

I was recently gifted with some absolutely delicious Peanut Butter Fudge. I shared it with my husband and we both agreed it was the best stuff ever! However, given my history, there will be no "asking for the recipe".

Fudge is my wake up call. It's a tasty reality check. Whenever I get too full of myself, I am often mentally reminded of that pan, on the Kelvinator shelf. Only God is perfect and can do all things. We are a limited species. We all have a "fudge" in our lives. 

Great and loving God. Reminders, of our fallibility, are essential. Please, watch over us and keep us focused on our road to You.

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