Saturday, August 1, 2020

What Happened???

Scott and I used to get quite a few laughs from a TV show featuring the host doing interviews, with young people. He would ask simple History questions. 
"Who fought in the Spanish-American War?" Answers, in all seriousness, would be "The Nazis?"or perhaps, "George Washington and the South".
Goofy answers, like the above, used to be funny, but not so much anymore. History, specifically American History, is getting a bad name.
I have a theory about this current "reign of terror" over our history, our monuments and our heroes. Young people have not been taught history. Along with cursive writing and telling time (using an analog clock), History has disappeared from the standard school curriculum. That's not funny.....its sad.
The truth is...You cannot change history. You might not like what and where we have been, as a nation. But, in order to keep from making the same mistakes, again and again, we need to understand how and why the past happened. 
To be judged a student of History, would be an honor. To me, any type of history, is important. We learn from history. Our future will be better, if we know our history.
A teacher, long ago, repeated this mantra, "History repeats itself, does it not?" It would appear that such a statement is no longer true. Whole generations of our species, have never learned what happened, in the first place!

Dear Everlasting Lord. We doubt. We question. We wonder, why us? Help us to Trust and Obey. Our answers are in You. You are our Hope and our Salvation. 

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But, what if we need it?

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